10/10/19 18:18
This incident was discussed at today's meeting of the peacekeeping operation governing body
10/07/19 20:38
Moldova representative`s absurd ambitions block the military observers’ work
09/12/19 17:24
The parties of the JCC cannot compromise on a boundary post work near the village Pohrebea for more than 4 months
09/05/19 18:46
Representatives of Pridnestrovie emphasized that these concerns first of all the administrative activity, the problem should be solved at the negotiating table
07/18/19 19:40
Representatives of the PMR: “We hope that the Moldovan delegation in the JCC will refrain from further actions that directly threaten the peace process on the Dniester”
07/18/19 19:17
The Co-Chair of the JCC notes that Pridnestrovie, in turn, does not impose any sanctions or restrictions
05/30/19 16:40
Representatives of Tiraspol emphasize that changes in the functioning of posts are aimed at simplifying the procedure for crossing the border
04/11/19 17:12
Planned activities are held to assess readiness for service in the spring and summer period
04/04/19 19:01
The Cochairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie commented on another incident with the participation of the Moldavian security officer
04/04/19 17:45
The issue of the border posts` functioning is repeatedly raised by the Moldovan delegation in the JCC