The Interview of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky to RIA News Agency

07/17/24 12:57

The Interview of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky to RIA News Agency

RIA News:

Pridnestrovie will celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the deployment of Russian peacekeepers at the end of July. They say in Kishinev now that the Russian military is allegedly violating the neutrality of Moldova. How do you today assess the role of the Russian military in the region in the context of geopolitical confrontation?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

The anniversary of the entry of the Russian peacekeeping contingent into the Security Zone is not just another historical date on the calendar for Pridnestrovie. The appearance of peacekeepers on this land is a significant event that is of fundamental importance for the present and future of every Pridnestrovian. Everyone knows that Russia contributed to the disengagement of hostilities and the effective separation of the warring parties during the period of Moldova’s military aggression against Pridnestrovie. It has been involved in ensuring peace in the Security Zone for more than three decades since then. A unique tripartite peacekeeping mechanism was established, the activities of the Joint Control Commission and the Joint Military Command were established, in the work of which the Russian side continues to actively participate. The functionality of this peacekeeping mechanism allows the negotiation process to continue. The peacekeeping mission has been fulfilling its purpose all these years, regardless of the geopolitical storm raging today and other factors that have led to the stagnation of negotiations. Pridnestrovians feel a sincere sense of gratitude to the peacekeepers and the republic will celebrate the next anniversary of the deployment of peacekeeping forces, of course.

Moldovan politicians have been making unfounded accusations against Russian peacekeepers for decades. Hostile language is recently increasingly being incorporated into the legal framework of the neighboring state, including the new edition of the national defense strategy of the Republic of Moldova. However, the peacekeeping operation continues, ensuring peace and security.

Pridnestrovie is guided by facts. The facts show that the peacekeeping mechanism on the Dniester is highly effective and works even in the face of the most serious, diverse challenges. By the way, it is obvious that people on the right bank of the Dniester positively evaluate the contribution of peacekeepers to the cause of preserving peace, if you listen not to Moldovan politicians, but to ordinary citizens of the neighboring republic.

RIA News:

Moldavian Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov stated recently that Pridnestrovie will have to comply with European legislation in the future. Kishinev has already offered Tiraspol cooperation in this area, according to her. What is the official position on this issue?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

Moldova and Pridnestrovie are building relations within the framework of the international format of the negotiation process. Specific principles and approaches were agreed upon over three decades of negotiations, and more than 180 agreements were signed. Moldova refuses to implement the vast majority of them today. It is a fact, but the existing principles and agreements were and remain a political and diplomatic reality that cannot be ignored.

The decision taken by Moldova without agreement with Pridnestrovie to begin negotiations with the European Union not only contradicts existing agreements, but fundamentally violates the basic principles of international dialogue. Paradoxically, the European Union itself, which presents itself as a stronghold of democracy and human rights, being in the status of “observer” in the “5+2” format, pretends that it is possible to ignore the opinion of the almost half a million population of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

As for the specific statement of the Moldovan official, it does not correspond to reality. This kind of speculation, which deliberately shifts the emphasis to the political side, does not help the search for mutual understanding, but complicates it on the contrary.

RIA News:

Kishinev and Tiraspol failed to conclude a declaration of commitment to peaceful methods of settlement between Pridnestrovie and Moldova recently. How will this affect the settlement process?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

The project presented by Pridnestrovie is entirely based on previously reached agreements. Kishinev rejected this edition and tried to introduce into the document a number of absolutely unacceptable formulations describing the political goals of Moldova, and this runs counter to the concept of the declaration.

The initiative of Pridnestrovie was supported by the mediators. Moreover, the Moldovan side did not express any fundamental objections either to the idea of ​​signing such a declaration or to its content on May 17 in the course of the meeting of political representatives, during which the draft declaration was handed over. It is important that the document has legal force and provides guarantees of peaceful dialogue, which will reduce the degree of tension, reassure the public, and give a positive impetus to the dialogue.

Kishinev chose the tactic of politicizing the declaration and talking about the issue after a month and a half as we see. There is a risk that the discussion we initiated about reaffirming both sides’ commitment to exclusively peaceful methods of settlement will be completely blocked by Moldovan representatives. The current situation is very typical and indicative. All participants in the “5+2” format and the public can draw conclusions.

RIA News:

There was stern response from Tiraspol to the OSCE PA resolution, which was adopted in Bucharest. Pridnestrovie noted that this calls into question the possibility of adequate interaction with the OSCE Mission in Moldova. How does the OSCE perform its functions as a mediator in the settlement process today and can this organization help intensify the negotiation process?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

The OSCE is a mediating organization directly involved in the negotiation process and has certain powers. Pridnestrovie maintains contacts with the Chairmanship-in-Office, actively interacts with the OSCE Mission and will continue to seek more activity.

As for the resolution, we have to admit the complete irresponsibility of the drafters and those who supported it. There are obvious propaganda intentions. We see the reluctance of OSCE parliamentarians to visit Pridnestrovie. There haven't been any since 2018. Russia no longer participates in the work of this structure. This is a clear element of information warfare. It is possible that many OSCE parliamentarians did not even read the draft resolution. Therefore, we insist on a reaction from the Chairmanship-in-Office and the OSCE Mission on carrying out explanatory work. Let them signal the parliamentary structure and remind them that the generation of lies and propaganda interfere with the settlement process and provoke tension. Accepting such statements is irresponsible and unprofessional without familiarizing with the situation on the ground.

RIA News:

Moscow announced recently that the development of the territory of Moldova by the North Atlantic Alliance is proceeding at an accelerated pace under the guise of a course towards joining the EU. They constantly pay attention in Pridnestrovie to the militarization of Kishinev. What risks and threats does all this create for Tiraspol?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

We pay special attention to the security sector for obvious reasons. The situation remains tense because there are negative factors. The first is the continuing terrorist threat to Pridnestrovie. A series of attacks on various targets on the territory of the republic that began in 2022, unfortunately, continued this year with drone attacks on our military units. The international community, including relevant international organizations, continues to turn a blind eye to the threat of terrorist attacks in Pridnestrovie.

The second factor of destabilization is precisely the militarization of neighboring Moldova. Politicians in Kishinev can say as much as they want that this process does not exist, but facts are stubborn things. They are such that Moldova increases its military budget from year to year and receives unprecedented funding from foreign partners for rearmament and modernization of the army according to NATO standards. We see regular deliveries of military equipment, weapons and equipment, drones, air defense, etc. Recently, Moldova received a new package of American weapons, primarily 20 Humvees. Military units from Western countries arrive almost every month to participate in joint exercises.

Why is this surge of militarism needed, what are they preparing for in the neighboring country? These are valid questions with no official answers. We hear a lot of words from the Moldovan side about the desire to maintain peace and we want to believe them. I personally live with faith in peace and in the fact that the leadership of Moldova also does not want escalation. But is the regular movement of military equipment, including in the Security Zone, unauthorized flights of small aircraft there (more than a hundred cases only since March 1), the implementation of airborne assaults, gatherings of reservists about peace? The proposal of Pridnestrovie to sign a declaration on negotiated methods of resolving relations is a kind of attempt to dot the i's in this issue.

RIA News:

How does Pridnestrovie manage to cope with economic pressure from Moldova today? What decisions does Tiraspol have to make so that political decisions of Kishinev do not affect the well-being of citizens?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

Pressure from Moldova is damaging the economy of Pridnestrovie. Kishinev’s actions led to the virtual shutdown of a number of large industrial enterprises with unique personnel, in-demand products and a wide geography of supplies. This is a blow to the budget of the republic right now and to the future of the Pridnestrovian industry as a whole.

Another destructive step by Moldova that we encountered at the beginning of this year was the unjustified decision to levy customs duties on Pridnestrovian economic agents. Direct losses from these extortions alone already amount to millions of dollars. There is indirect damage in the form of a drop in foreign trade turnover, a significant decrease in business activity, rising inflation, etc. Taking into account the banking blockade, the total economic losses of the republic from Moldovan duties at the end of the year will amount to tens of millions of dollars. These are more than significant funds for Pridnestrovie. I just mentioned a few elements of economic pressure, there are many more. What does this mean in practice? First of all, the country’s budget, which is socially oriented, is not receiving large amounts of money. Our priority is to provide people with pensions, benefits and salaries, and we are fulfilling these obligations to our citizens in a timely manner and in full at the moment. However, the economic blockade by Moldova objectively reduces the possibilities of Pridnestrovie. We have to cut development programs and abandon social and infrastructure projects. The republic is forced in fact to move from development mode to survival mode.

RIA News:

Many experts say that the central authorities of Moldova are pursuing the goal of eliminating Gagauz autonomy. The tension between Kishinev and Komrat is increasing every day. What is Tiraspol’s position on this situation? Could a possible escalation in Gagauzia affect Pridnestrovie?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

We are monitoring the development of this situation and hope that the contradictions will be resolved. I consider (and this is also relevant for Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations) that we must avoid escalation at all costs and adhere to civilized forms of dialogue. There is no need to increase conflict.


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