Separate opinion

06/18/24 21:13
The political scientist spoke about the situation in Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations
03/28/23 16:49
All international mediators should speak out in support of it, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR believes
03/10/23 16:19
According to the politician, Chisinau`s anti-Russian steps are no longer enough for Kyiv
01/17/23 16:15
Their adoption will lead to further conflict, the Russian human rights activist believes
11/25/22 13:52
The representative of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights intends to tell Vladimir Putin about this problem
07/25/22 19:44
According to the Russian senator, the prospect of resolving the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian issue does not depend on negotiations, but on the balance of power in the region