Konstantin Zatulin: Ukraine wants to intercept the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement

03/10/23 16:19

Konstantin Zatulin: Ukraine wants to intercept the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement

According to the politician, Chisinau`s anti-Russian steps are no longer enough for Kyiv

Tiraspol-Moscow, March 10. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today Ukraine is interested in destabilizing the situation in Pridnestrovie, intercept the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement and therefore to involve Moldova in a regional conflict. Konstantin Zatulin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, said that in an interview with the Russian newspaper Gazeta.ru.

According to him, the preparation of a terrorist attack in Tiraspol with a planned assassination attempt on the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky was beneficial precisely to the Ukrainian side.

“To a lesser extent [this is beneficial] for Moldova, because it entails consequences that may affect the support of Maya Sandu, affect her position. Without a formal invitation from the Moldovan authorities, Ukraine cannot launch an operation against Pridnestrovie. But Ukraine would surely like to provoke some kind of development of events that will make Moldova's involvement in the conflict inevitable,” Konstantin Zatulin said. 

According to him, what Chisinau is doing is no longer enough for Kyiv, adopting a “law on separatism”, escalating the hysteria in relations with Russia, supporting Ukraine in transit through its territory.

“This does not fully suit the people who are in Kyiv. They wish for more. Today they are interested in demonstratively suppressing Pridnestrovie and requisitioning this "pro-Russian enclave" - this is how Pridnestrovie is usually called in the West and Ukraine," the Russian Deputy said.

He added that the attempted terrorist attack in Tiraspol needed to be investigated.

Recall that the other day, state security agencies of Pridnestrovie neutralized a terrorist group that was preparing a major terrorist attack in the capital city of the PMR. The leadership of the republic and civilians could become victims. According to the investigation, representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) were behind the organization of the terrorist attack. 8 kilograms of hexogen were seized from Vyacheslav Kisnichan, the one who was supposed to be the direct perpetrator of the attack.


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