
07/10/24 14:50
The Parliament of Pridnestrovie called on the OSCE PA to refrain from circulating unmotivated accusations
07/10/24 11:49
The Head of the PMR Foreign Ministry called the document of the Parliamentary Assembly part of the information war
07/04/24 16:37
The Foreign Ministry declared a strong protest against the adopted resolution
06/27/24 15:09
Topics of discussion include the implementation of projects to improve social infrastructure and assistance to vulnerable groups of the population
06/18/24 21:13
The political scientist spoke about the situation in Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations
06/13/24 16:40
Representatives of the World Health Organization were told about problems with the import of medicines and medical equipment for Pridnestrovian healthcare
05/17/24 19:15
Tiraspol proposed signing a declaration of commitment to peaceful methods of conflict resolution