
05/21/24 12:10
The main accents of the meeting of political representatives of Pridnestrovie and Moldova
03/28/24 13:59
The problem of blocking the import of medicines in Pridnestrovie has attracted the international organizations` attention
02/02/24 16:07
A year ago, the Moldovan parliament made a decision that was ultimately condemned by all international mediators
11/23/23 15:32
By preventing the Pridnestrovian goods` export, the Moldovan authorities are creating problems for their strategic partner - the European Union
11/13/23 19:25
The situation with three Pridnestrovian factories: Elektromash, Moldavizolit and factory “Potential” of Bendery remains difficult
06/26/23 14:00
The tasks are simple - unblocking the import of medical equipment and resuming the full-fledged work of points for issuing neutral license plates