The incident in the Dubossary district discussion at the JCC meeting

09/05/19 18:46

The incident in the Dubossary district discussion at the JCC meeting

Representatives of Pridnestrovie emphasized that these concerns first of all the administrative activity, the problem should be solved at the negotiating table

Bendery, September 5. / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today after a small break the meeting of the Joint control commission took place. The agenda included 15 questions, 6 of which – information of the Joint military command on a situation in the Safety zone for the last weeks.

The reports became a subject for disputes and long discussions. The Moldavian side refused to take into consideration 4 documents, referring to the emergence in the Safety zone of the Pridnestrovian boundary mobile posts. Representatives of Tiraspol, in turn, pointed out that these structures carry out the functional duties there absolutely lawfully: carry out operational search work, serve without a weapon. 

"The Pridnestrovian delegation explains that they carry out the functional duties, without breaking those norms which are intended for the Safety zone. And their emergence does not affect a situation complication in any way", - the representative of the Pridnestrovian delegation in the JCC Vasily Vakarchuk noted.

By the way, the matter is brought up by the Moldavian side regularly. Pridnestrovie repeatedly noted that frontier guards serve in the Safety zone since 1993, and no particular problems in this regard arise before.

Also, today participants of the negotiation platform discussed a land dispute in the Dubossary district. As "Novosti Pridnestrovya" reported, the Moldavian businessman has developed a sandpit on the lands belonging to Pridnestrovian garden association.

The land dispute developed even into skirmishes between locals and representatives of the Moldavian firm a week ago. An incident did not remain unaddressed by the military observers.

"In this area, police officers of Moldova arrived without a notice", - Vakarchuk noted.

According to the Pridnestrovian side, similar disputes concern first of all administrative activity need to be solved at a negotiating table.

"First of all it is an administrative activity, and it does not directly concern the JCC. These disputes have to be resolved in the course of negotiations. The working groups are created for this purpose, at the level of these groups and regional authorities they have to be resolved", - Vasily Vakarchuk added.

During the meeting, the new Military Commandant of the Central and Northern sites of the Safety zone and the military observer from the Russian Federation were confirmed to the post.


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