молдо-приднестровский конфликт

10/27/22 15:28
The human rights center Pridnestrovian Meridian demanded from the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to stop blocking cargoes for Pridnestrovie
10/25/22 17:36
The PMR Foreign Minister told the EU representatives about the situation in the negotiation process with Chisinau
10/13/22 13:08
This time we are talking about the Russian batch of buckwheat and wheat flour
10/06/22 15:07
The PMR MFA commented on the inappropriate reaction of the Moldovan representative to Manakov's speech at the UN
07/27/22 18:29
Russia is not going to change the format of the peacekeeping operation
07/25/22 19:57
The President of the PMR and the US Ambassador discussed the geopolitical situation and issues of ensuring the security of the republic
07/25/22 19:55
One of the principles for resolving the conflict between the Republic of Moldova and the PMR, adopted in 1992, is violated