The PMR President held a meeting with the delegation of the European Union

05/04/23 16:29

The PMR President held a meeting with the delegation of the European Union

The PMR President received a foreign delegation headed by the Head of the European External Action Service for Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Moldova Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga.

Vadim Krasnoselsky focused in the main part of the discussion on the topic of investigating terrorist attacks that were prevented in Pridnestrovie. He brought to the interlocutors’ attention the information about the interim results of the investigation, emphasizing that he was voicing facts, from which everyone should draw conclusions on their own. The President indicated that the confessions of the perpetrators of high-profile crimes were checked with the help of numerous and diverse examinations. A total of 36 of them were held. All information of a confessionary nature was confirmed. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that the appeal of the Pridnestrovian side to foreign services to get acquainted with the materials of the investigation remained without reaction. Another important aspect: the investigation found no evidence of the participation of the Moldovan special services in the preparation of terrorist attacks. The Ukrainian trace is clearly traced. The perpetrators of the crime have not been identified.

Speaking about the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova, Vadim Krasnoselsky stated the continuing inaction of the 5+2 format. The PMR President considers that it can and should gather, regardless of the complexity of relations between Russia and Ukraine – the mediators of the negotiation process. Vadim Krasnoselsky called what is happening in neighboring states a tragedy, emphasizing that it should not expand, covering new countries.

Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga assured that the European Union is against the expansion of the conflict and the involvement of Pridnestrovie in it. She indicated that the European Union is ready to continue cooperation with both the Pridnestrovian and Moldovan sides to strengthen confidence building measures.

The meeting continued after the protocol part without the media participation.


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