молдо-приднестровский конфликт

03/24/22 20:00
The situation with the medicines import, obstacles in the Moldovan Metallurgical Factory work as well as other issues were discussed
03/22/22 18:09
Vitaly Ignatiev told the Supreme Council deputies about the foreign policy situation around Pridnestrovie
03/21/22 11:52
The Human Rights Center Pridnestrovian Meridian commented on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe resolution on Pridnestrovie
03/17/22 19:05
The PACE resolution was commented on by the head of the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC
03/17/22 12:40
What does the statement on Pridnestrovie mean?
03/16/22 18:59
The success of the 30-year peacekeeping mission under the Russian Federation auspices was stressed by Russian parliamentarian
03/16/22 17:25
The decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the "occupation" of Pridnestrovie by Russia repeats Moldova`s official position
02/16/22 13:23
Among issues raised are the negotiation process and the Capital Outreach Consular Service Point working