

09/14/15 14:04
The Ministry of Economic Development believes the strategy of working at a loss to maintain the export markets and labour collectives is justified

09/14/15 12:40
Today there are about 24,000 persons with disabilities in the republic


09/13/15 18:42
The international exhibition of home textiles and fabrics for interior design takes place in Moscow on September 23-25

09/13/15 18:14
Results of the New York World Wine and Spirits Competition are announced


09/12/15 21:14
Powerlifters from Pridnestrovie, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia competed in the Officers' Club in Tiraspol

09/12/15 14:54
The Prime Minister, Tatyana Turanskaya, attended the solemn liturgy dedicated to the anniversary


09/11/15 15:09
Today's session of Pridnestrovie's CEC consisted of two parts: working and official

09/11/15 14:12
The parties discussed a number of current challenges in Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relationship

09/11/15 14:10
It is dedicated to the 200 anniversary of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration and to the 20 anniversary of the Diocese Tiraspol and Dubossary

09/11/15 13:43
There are seven working days left to consider the draft code


09/10/15 18:28
Before that, Marius Lazurka declared that Pridnestrovie's businessmen sent "certain signals" to Kishinev and Bucharest, and as he noted, it can be regarded as readiness of Pridnestrovie to participate in the EU-Moldova Association and Free Trade Area Agreement

09/10/15 17:32
«Сейчас орган ценообразования в ПМР является скорее неким статистом, нежели регулятором на рынке», - заявил в эфире Радио 1 зампред Правительства по вопросам правового регулирования и взаимодействия с органами государственной власти

09/10/15 17:04
The representatives of Moldova's Prosecutor's Office refuse to take part in it. Without their involvement, this meeting loses its significance, Pridnestrovie's chief negotiator underscores

09/10/15 16:46
The Pridnestrovian delegation believes it advisable to discuss at the nearest JCC meeting public statements made by Moldova's defence minister, A. Salaru