Two social shops to be opened in Tiraspol

10/05/15 13:53

Two social shops to be opened in Tiraspol

Во исполнение распоряжения Президента ПМР Евгения Шевчука в городах республики будет создана сеть социальных магазинов продовольственных товаров «Ветеран»

The head of Tiraspol's state administration has given instructions to apportion necessary premises

Following the decree by President Shevchuk, heads of state administrations are working on the project for the promotion of a network of social food shops Veteran in the country's cities. The first shop has already been opened in Rybnitsa. The prices here are by 30−50% below market. Products are purchased directly from manufacturers and have almost no extra charges.

The head of Tiraspol's state administration, Andrey Bezbachenko, charged the corresponding services to consider variants and find premises for social shops in Tiraspol. Meanwhile, two shops of the kind are to be opened in Tiraspol.


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