Archive - 3/2022


03/22/22 13:21
Корпуса вуза продолжают приводить в порядок, также идет реконструкция церкви Святой Татианы в студгородке


03/21/22 13:13
The athlete from Tiraspol won bronze in the U-22 European Boxing Championship

03/21/22 11:52
The Human Rights Center Pridnestrovian Meridian commented on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe resolution on Pridnestrovie

03/21/22 10:42



03/17/22 19:05
The PACE resolution was commented on by the head of the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC

03/17/22 16:54
The Joint Control Commission was officially notified about this by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Moldova