The PMR Presidential visit the bakery plant of Tiraspol

03/22/22 11:44

The PMR Presidential visit the bakery plant of Tiraspol

Created 90 years ago, the Bakery Plant of Tiraspol is an enterprise that has not only social, but also strategic importance. CJSC Bakery Plant of Tiraspol produces, stores, processes and sells a variety of agricultural products, which it supplies to budget organizations, a bakery and retail chains. Up to 1800 tons of flour and up to 300 tons of cereals in assortment are produced here monthly. An important aspect: the company provides permanent work for more than five hundred people. Today the plant was visited by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The PMR President was accompanied by Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Alexander Rozenberg. The Head Igor Cherniy met the visitors.

The area cultivated by the Tiraspol bakery plant is about 20 thousand hectares. 4206 ha is under irrigation. 64 sprinkler units were installed for its irrigation. Arable lands are located in Tiraspol, Slobodzeya, Grigoriopol and Dubossary districts. Wheat is grown to a greater extent (8000 ha – 45% of the sown area). Another two thousand hectares are given over to rye, barley, peas and buckwheat. All this is the raw material for the production of flour and cereals. Crops such as rapeseed, mustard, corn and sunflower are cultivated for sale. The money received from the sale is used to purchase seeds, fertilizers, protective equipment, spare parts for equipment and machinery imported from abroad. They told Vadim Krasnoselsky that planting material was diversified with flax, soybean, sorghum and millet seeds last year.

Being in the warehouse of finished products, the President asked whether the current external circumstances had an impact on production. The President was told that the packaging material supplied from Ukraine had become unavailable. Belarusian alternative was found.

The plant independently processes 55%-60% of the harvested crop, approximately 40 thousand tons per year. Grain and industrial crops are stored at two elevators – Tiraspol and Rybnitsa. The production capacity of the two facilities is 100000 tons. Cleaning and drying of grain is provided if necessary. There are plans to upgrade the drying equipment. The President asked about the formed stocks of grain. It was updated and constantly maintained in an amount that guarantees economic security – based on a year and a half of the enterprise's operation.


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