COVID statistics

03/21/22 10:42

COVID statistics

1399 Pridnestrovians are currently carriers of COVID-19 according to the information announced at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus. 412 of them are being treated in specialized hospitals. 203 hospital beds are occupied in the hospital of Slobodzeya at the moment, 53 in the hospital of Rybnitsa, 30 in the hospital of Dubossary, 68 in the city hospital of Bendery, and 22 in the coronavirus unit of the Republican Clinical Hospital. Five patients are being treated at the psychiatric hospital in the village of Vykhvatintsy. The workload of the hospital network as a whole is currently 58%. 75 people are hard to tolerate coronavirus, 23 are patients in intensive care units. 990 Pridnestrovians are being treated at home. 41 such patients needed hospitalization in the period from the 14th to the 20th of March. 10% of carriers of the virus are children. 40 minors are sick at the moment. It is planned to phase out hospitals based on the Republican Clinical Hospital, the city hospital in Bendery and the infectious diseases hospital of Kamenka considering that there has been a gradual decrease in the incidence for the sixth week in a row. Now there are six hospitals with hospital bed capacity of 707 units.

5095 biomaterial samples of citizens suspected of having an infection were examined during the week (484991 during the entire time of the pandemic). The fact of the disease in the reporting period was confirmed in 1091 cases. Average daily incidence is 156 (it was 158 a week earlier). In total, 110776 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in Pridnestrovie during the coronavirus pandemic. 2155 carriers of the virus or 2% of the sick died (seven deaths of the disease in a week), 107222 people or 97% of those infected coped with the disease (1174 recovered during the reporting week). 939 Pridnestrovians are in conditions of mandatory self-isolation.

281 Pridnestrovians completed a full course of vaccination during the reporting period. 142840 people in total or 37.3% of the adult population were vaccinated against COVID-19 in the republic.

A group of the Slobodzeya technical school, 121 classrooms in 40 educational institutions, 15 groups in 14 kindergartens are in quarantine.


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