Archive - 6/2015


06/15/15 16:34
The main objective of the Russian-speaking mass media is to consolidate Russian compatriots for the sake of the Russian-speaking space preservation, the development of the Russian-speaking segment in information space, RIA Novosti reports

06/15/15 13:27
His first fight is scheduled for 16 June


06/14/15 18:38
На Республиканском стадионе прошёл чемпионат по стритболу «Приднестровье — 2015»  


06/13/15 08:26
В столице День России отметили с размахом.


06/12/15 21:48
Using social media, citizens organized a patriotic campaign aimed to show unity of Russia and Pridnestrovie

06/12/15 17:13
The idea of the Pridnestrovian state is very strong, believes Elena Bobkova, head of the independent centre for analytical research Novyi Vek

06/12/15 15:55
That is what Pridnestrovie's minister of foreign affairs, Nina Shtanski, said in a special interview on Russia's Fifth Channel during the Open Studio show featuring the situation in Pridnestrovie

06/12/15 11:25
The PSU rector, Galina Sandutsa, met with the delegation of archaeologists led by the Hungarian ambassador to Moldova, Mátyás Szilágyi, and archaeologist Attila Türk, PhD


06/10/15 18:11
Обсуждались вопросы, The council discussed state security issues under the current circumstancesс обеспечением безопасности государства в условиях складывающейся обстановки

06/10/15 14:57
Nearly 165 million roubles will be allocated for the implementation of these state target programmes

06/10/15 14:36
The Supreme Council has approved in first reading the amendments to the law "On Pridnestrovie's Central Bank"