Archive - 6/2015


06/30/15 16:13
Russia's vice premier, Dmitriy Rogozin, emphasised the special conditions under which this operation was carried out and the timeliness of its implementation

06/30/15 15:41
The board of the Education Ministry has discussed parents' opinion on the introduction of the compulsory course Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics for fourth grade secondary school pupils

06/30/15 11:42
Total export income amounted to 8.29 million USD


06/29/15 17:28
Grigoriopol, Kamenka and Slobodzeya are in the greatest need of medical specialists

06/29/15 15:07
In an interview with Radio 1 journalists Alevtina Slinchenko spoke for rouble rate maintenance

06/29/15 14:04
At an ordinary session of Pridnestrovie's Public Chamber, its chairman, Sergey Smirichinskiy, reported on the signing of the common understanding and cooperation memorandum between Pridnestrovie's and Russia's public chambers, which took place on 4 June in Moscow.

06/29/15 12:58
Economic problems and difficulties are created to force Pridnestrovie to change its foreign policy, the President told

06/29/15 12:47
The future customs officers will master practical skills for three weeks

06/29/15 10:49
Evgeny Shevchuk gave interview to the Russian Zvezda TV Channel at the program "Novosti. Glavnoe" on June 28



06/26/15 12:08
Фото Виктора Трофименко


06/25/15 14:50
Only domestic manufacturers will be admitted to public purchases of a certain range of goods