Different festive events and a flashmob took place in Tiraspol on the Russia Day, June 12

06/12/15 21:48

Different festive events and a flashmob took place in Tiraspol on the Russia Day, June 12

Using social media, citizens organized a patriotic campaign aimed to show unity of Russia and Pridnestrovie
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Russia Day is one of the most important holidays in the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that June 12 became a holiday relatively recently, this date is celebrated by millions of Russian citizens annually. About 200 thousand Russian citizens live in Pridnestrovie, and this day is also widely celebrated there though it isn't a public holiday.

Different performance groups of the Tiraspol Palace of Child Youth Art congratulated Tiraspol citizens on the Russia Day. They organized a concert directly at the threshold of the Palace. 18 performance groups introduced their song-and-dance performances for the citizens, in particular, the Breath rock band finished the concert program.

However, not only the professional singers performed in the streets of Tiraspol that day. A patriotic flashmob took place on the Suvorov Square at 18:30. Tens of citizens got together to choir the Russia's and Pridnestrovie's national anthems.

The event format is rather new for Pridnestrovie, as well as, actually, the way of its organization, i.e. via the Internet. As the event organizer Dmitry Kolesnikov told to our reporter, he simply proposed to hold such event in one of the social media. «Today, we see that people has come here, supported, and sung the national anthems of Russia, Pridnestrovie; and we are together with Russia this day," he summarized.



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