President holds Security Council meeting

06/10/15 18:11

President holds Security Council meeting

Обсуждались вопросы, The council discussed state security issues under the current circumstancesс обеспечением безопасности государства в условиях складывающейся обстановки

Special attention was given to the aspects of additional resource accumulation for maintaining law-and-order and defensive capacity in Pridnestrovie, reports the presidential press office.

«For the present moment we do not have any information on a direct military threat," underscored the president, adding: «At the same time, we observe a build-up of Ukraine's additional military forces and hardware near the border, as well as Moldova's active preparation of forces and hardware, including military exercises and training of Special Forces by Western instructors.»

Yevgeniy Shevchuk noted that the Presidential Executive Office receives numerous claims from the citizens who express concern over the situation. «The mass media also adds fuel to the fire by spreading rumours," said the president in an interview with journalists, «All governmental authorities, including power ministries, are operating in routine mode, fully discharging their duties.» The president urged the Pridnestrovians «to ignore rumours and hearsay» and noted that citizens would be informed on developments at the border via official sources.

The president specially emphasised that Pridnestrovie is pursuing a peaceful foreign policy and adheres to the defensive doctrine. «We have stated on numerous previous occasions that we stand for good neighbourhood relations. I hope our partners in Kishinev and Kiev will hear our statements," said Yevgeniy Shevchuk.

«We will go through this difficult period of economic hardship and information pressure which is exerted on us by the neighbouring states," concluded the president.


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