
12/28/16 11:15
In the meantime, the intermediator firm will continue selling all foreign currency revenue to the PRB. The Supreme Council has passed a relevant law in two readings at once today
12/21/16 14:19
In an interview with Russia 24, the Pridnestrovian president told about the problems and prospects of the Pridnestrovian economy
12/17/16 13:14
Vladislav Tidva was approved as chairman of Pridnestrovie’s central bank
10/11/16 15:25
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation proposed a recovery recipe for the Pridnestrovie's economy
10/06/16 16:14
Among the priority sectors are agriculture and processing industry
10/04/16 21:05
Pridnestrovie's Economic Development Ministry expects an offer from the Lipetsk residents
09/12/16 15:08
Experts of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, auditors of Russia's limited liability company Financial and Accounting Consultants and a group of analysts from the European consulting company Berlin Economics have contributed their opinions to The Bulletin of the PRB
08/30/16 16:25
Yevgeny Shevchuk noted that sooner or later Pridnestrovie's tariff policy would be switched to market economy
07/14/16 20:35
From now on the factory will enjoy a 50% reduction in income tax
07/11/16 20:28
This is what the finance minister, Irina Molokanova, said during a government meeting today
07/06/16 11:31
According to Russia's vice premier, Dmitry Rogozin, Pridnestrovie will have fewer problems working with the+ Russian regions comparable in status and size rather than with the federal government