
04/15/16 13:30
In an interview with Russia's Vzglyad newspaper Vitaly Ignatyev commented on statements made by some Supreme Council deputies, noting that any arguments must be supported by facts
04/14/16 12:51
The mechanism of collecting fines for exceeding this period may also be amended
04/13/16 15:15
The Supreme Council has considered a draft law amending the mechanism of filing an entrepreneurial patent
04/13/16 10:58
Budget of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund is also passed
04/12/16 15:39
The first deputy chair of the government commented on the reduction of food duties
04/08/16 14:25
It is supposed to allow legal entities to keep foreign currency on their non-cash accounts with Pridnestrovian banks
04/08/16 13:07
This measure is aimed at minimising the consequences of foreign exchange turmoil
04/08/16 11:28
The opportunity of receiving Russia's assistance is also being considered
04/06/16 16:43
According to the minister of economic development, repaid debts will not reflate the country's economy, but will be finally left at shopping centres and supermarkets
04/05/16 20:43
Meeting participants have considered the implications of a one-time inflow of such a considerable stock of money to Pridnestrovie's exchange market
04/05/16 20:39
In response to numerous questions the government's press service has released a statement to the citizens of Pridnestrovie
03/29/16 13:42
This is what the head of the government said commenting on the results of the visit of the governmental delegation to Moscow
03/28/16 19:09
Measures aimed at minimising the implications of the current difficult situation in the foreign exchange market were discussed at the meeting