
09/15/21 12:57
An increase in indicators is noted in metallurgy, electricity, mechanical engineering and processing industry
09/14/21 15:13
Its volume exceeded 7.2 billion rubles for 8 months
09/10/21 13:31
Pridnestrovian industry leaders are showing a cautious optimism
09/10/21 13:05
Yet cash will continue to play a significant role in payments in the next 10 years, PRB analysts note
09/08/21 15:50
The department held an online meeting of the Public Advisory Council
06/21/21 18:36
Russia occupies a central place in the structure of both incoming and outgoing remittances
06/21/21 17:57
Since the beginning of the year, the export of goods has increased by 37.8%
06/09/21 11:52
Manufacturing of products on the territory of the PMR is planned to begin in July this year