06/12/20 19:24
This is their first meeting after a break caused by the coronavirus pandemic
06/10/20 17:15
The expert (working) groups on education from Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova held a video format meeting.
06/02/20 11:22
The information was confirmed by the PMR Ministry of State Security this morning
06/01/20 11:55
The Foreign Ministry calls on the international participants of the 5 + 2 format to get involved in the situation and provide assistance to exclude disruption in medical products supply to Pridnestrovie created by Moldova
05/29/20 19:06
Pridnestrovian side demanded to provide official explanations to Pridnestrovie and all the international participants of 5 + 2 format
05/26/20 18:30
PMR MFA works directly with Foreign Ministries, diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states to bring people home
05/22/20 18:30
PMR MFA noted that the position of the Moldovan authorities during the pandemic has led to massive violations of the Pridnestrovian residents` fundamental rights and freedoms
05/22/20 17:28
The Pridnestrovian side identified in detail constraints caused by Moldova in the customs sphere in the past two months
05/21/20 20:29
The Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry called on representatives of the neighboring state to “stop shrink its meaningful participation in the dialogue and return to proper work”
05/21/20 17:00
The Press Service of the PMR MFA comments on Cristina Lesnic new information attacks
05/14/20 19:13
Why are the Moldovan representatives deliberately disrupting the work of expert groups and blame it on Pridnestrovie?
05/06/20 15:21
Специалисты Всемирной организации здравоохранения изучают опыт республики в борьбе с коронавирусом COVID-19