07/04/24 16:37
The Foreign Ministry declared a strong protest against the adopted resolution
06/27/24 15:09
Topics of discussion include the implementation of projects to improve social infrastructure and assistance to vulnerable groups of the population
06/13/24 16:40
Representatives of the World Health Organization were told about problems with the import of medicines and medical equipment for Pridnestrovian healthcare
05/17/24 19:15
Tiraspol proposed signing a declaration of commitment to peaceful methods of conflict resolution
03/26/24 19:17
Alexander Stetsiuk explained why Chisinau is trying to destroy the negotiation process
03/18/24 12:58
The department emphasized that such actions threaten people’s lives, peace and security on the banks of the Dniester
03/14/24 12:53
In Pridnestrovie they expect the organization to work more efficiently
02/21/24 17:29
The head of the PMR Foreign Ministry called the actions of the Moldovan authorities an economic war against Pridnestrovie
02/15/24 18:28
The President stressed that a military conflict in Pridnestrovie could become the beginning of a world war
02/15/24 17:48
About 100 thousand Ukrainian citizens live in the republic, and they need consular services
02/15/24 14:34
The PMR MFA held a board meeting on the results of work in 2023
01/24/24 17:26
Health experts were unable to agree on this issue today
01/23/24 17:38
Vitaly Ignatiev emphasized that this is a gross violation of fundamental human rights