The PMR MFA plans and results

02/20/25 15:13

The PMR MFA plans and results

The Board of the PMR MFA was organized today to summarize the results of the past year. The meeting was held in a videoconference format. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the discussion.

The participants of the meeting were previously offered a report on the activities of the department. The main block was devoted to the negotiation process with the Republic of Moldova. It was noted that the PMR MFA used all political and diplomatic tools in attempts to resume the work of the "Permanent Conference ..." format – an equal and legitimate negotiating platform. The Moldovan side persistently avoids the interaction. It was reduced to three meetings of political representatives and 13 meetings of expert (working) groups during the year. The agenda of problems requiring urgent solutions is growing at the same time. It includes restrictions on foreign economic activity of Pridnestrovie, the introduction of illegitimate customs duties, a banking and transport blockade, obstruction of the export of products of industrial enterprises of Pridnestrovie, blocking the supply of medicines and medical equipment, expanding the grounds for criminal prosecution of citizens of Pridnestrovie for political reasons, and refusal to cooperate to continue the supply of energy resources via the traditional route through Ukraine. 

The report describes the measures taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the leadership, and the public of Pridnestrovie to overcome the difficulties generated by Moldova: numerous statements and appeals addressed to international participants in the negotiation process, holding rallies against the blockade measures in January 2024, and organizing a Congress of Deputies of all levels in February. The Ministry drew attention to the fate of individual enterprises of the republic that suffered from inadequate steps on the part of Moldova. Increased attention was paid to the new norms of Moldovan legislation concerning " treason against the State ", which increased the discriminatory risks for Pridnestrovians together with the so-called amendments on separatism. The authors of the report recalled the refusal of the Moldovan side to sign the Declaration of Commitment to Peaceful Methods of Regulating Relations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova. In terms of interaction with mediators and observers, the meeting of the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Minister of Foreign, European Affairs and Trade of Malta Ian Borg (April 12, 2024) was highlighted, as well as the meetings of the PMR Foreign Minister with the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Thomas Mayr-Harting held at the Foreign Ministry on June 5 and October 11. 

As for interaction with the Russian Federation: the PMR MFA maintained systematic communication with the Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian MFA Tryapitsyn. The PMR President met with the Russian ambassador with the participation of the relevant minister on March 6 and June 21. The Minister of Health of Pridnestrovie Kristina Albul met with her Russian counterpart Mikhail Murashko on the sidelines of the Second Abkhaz Medical Forum in April. An important event was the participation of the Pridnestrovian delegation in the World Youth Festival in Sochi. The Official Representation of Pridnestrovie in Moscow celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2024. The head of the representation Leonid Manakov spoke at the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, drawing attention to numerous facts of violation of the rights and freedoms of the population of Pridnestrovie by Moldova. It was noted that interaction with Ukraine is limited for objective reasons. Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Paun Rohovei on February 19, 2024. As part of cooperation with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, meetings were held at Pridnestrovian sites, online discussions and visits of Pridnestrovian delegations to Abkhazia. 27 events were held in the line of cooperation between the PMR MFA and foreign countries and international organizations.

Attention was paid to the topic of peacekeeping and security – the JCC activities, the negative attitude of the Moldovan leadership towards the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester, the disruption and blocking by the Moldovan side of the planned work of the Joint Control Commission, the increase in the frequency of military exercises by Moldova with the participation of NATO countries, sabotage with the destruction of a helicopter at the location of one of the military units of the PMR, an attack on a radio tower in Rybnitsa district, cases of detection of UAVs in populated areas of Moldova. Consular work was carried out in the reporting period. The Consular and Legal Department of the PMR MFA received 5045 applications from citizens and legal entities in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2024, according to the report of the year. Facts reflecting the foreign policy realities and the activities of the department were announced in the course of the meeting of the Collegium by the PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev. He identified three main factors of negative external influence on Pridnestrovie: global and regional instability, artificial crisis of the international settlement process known as the "5+2" format, unprecedented blockade and restrictive measures and large-scale pressure from Moldova, coupled with massive human rights violations. The speaker detailed and argued each of these aspects.  

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev addressed words of support to his Pridnestrovian colleagues. The floor was taken by the head of the Official Representation of Pridnestrovie in Moscow Leonid Manakov, who informed about the headed department activities.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky called the activities of the PMR MFA significant and recognized them as satisfactory based on the results of 2024. The President emphasized the primary role of diplomacy, noting that many local problems and international conflicts could have been avoided with a full and effective dialogue. He focused on the value of compromise, emphasizing that compromise is not a surrender of interests, but a movement towards each other. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the importance of implementing any kind of agreements in the legal field and their practical implementation. The PMR President instructed diplomats to continue working to resume the negotiation process, as well as to solve a strategic task for Pridnestrovie – strengthening the international legal basis for the recognition of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Work to preserve history in its true form and strengthen the identity of the Pridnestrovian people are among the presidential instructions.



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