01/12/22 15:52
The PMR Foreign Ministry reported that the Moldovan side was ready to return the license plates at the level of functionaries, but was waiting for a political decision from on high
12/28/21 12:24
A shipment of neutral and Pridnestrovian license plates was unjustifiably detained at the Moldovan customs
12/08/21 17:59
The delegation representatives met with the PMR Foreign Affairs Minister
12/02/21 16:33
Vitaly Ignatiev descibed the current situation in relations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova as anxious and dangerous
11/30/21 18:14
During their conversation, they touched upon a wide range of issues related to the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian negotiation process, cooperation with Russia, and other issues
11/12/21 12:43
Pridnestrovian experts also raised the issue of unblocking the transportation of fuels and lubricants through the Slobodka-Kolbasna border crossing. However, the position of the Republic of Moldova remains unchanged
11/02/21 13:44
The problems of neutral license plates, as well as the import of raw materials, medicines and plant protection products were discussed
10/19/21 10:46
According to the PMR Foreign Ministry head, the RM’s representatives instead of the transport crisis, are willing to discuss the gas one
10/18/21 17:06
A meeting of representatives on political issues was held in Chisinau
10/07/21 21:52
The Swedish OSCE Chairmanship is awaiting participants in the 5 + 2 format in Stockholm
09/15/21 17:14
As Vitaly Ignatiev emphasized, the restrictions initiated at the Moldova’s request have already led to the range of acute humanitarian problems’ emergence