PMR MFA: Moldova unleashed another round of economic blockade against Pridnestrovie

04/04/22 19:26

PMR MFA: Moldova unleashed another round of economic blockade against Pridnestrovie

Chisinau prevents the importing of medicines, fertilizers, plant protection products, and industrial equipment to the PMR
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Tiraspol, April 4. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Over the past month, Moldova has increased socio-economic pressure on the PMR. Chisinau takes advantage of the fact that Ukraine closed the border with Pridnestrovie at the end of February. Due to administrative-bureaucratic barriers and restrictions, tension and interruptions are deliberately created with the import of socially important goods to the PMR.

This is contained in today's statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic. As the Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry notes, Moldova prevents the importing of several shipments of medicines, fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as industrial equipment for the Moldovan State District Power Plant for the needs of Pridnestrovie. Now and then, artificial complications arise when delivering raw materials for food production, and import of fuel and equipment.

In addition, Moldova continues to block the export-import activities of the Moldovan Metallurgical Plant, preventing the supply and transit of scrap metal. Also, until now Pridnestrovie has not been returned the cargo with blanks of license plates, which was detained at the end of December. This stopped vehicle registration points` planned work in Tiraspol and Rybnitsa and thus limited the right of Pridnestrovian motorists to freedom of movement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR indicates that the problem of the banking blockade, which is expressed in the closure of accounts of Pridnestrovian enterprises in the banks of the Republic of Moldova, the refusal to convert currencies, the impossibility of correspondent settlements of PMR banks with the outside world, and the termination of acquiring international bank cards, has not yet been resolved.

"All of Pridnestrovie and international experts` proposals on the normalization of interaction in the banking sector were rejected by Chisinau," the Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry emphasizes in its statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the search for solutions within the framework of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian negotiation process has not brought results to date.

“This indicates that the Moldovan side has specific political guidelines that do not allow the use of viable technical solutions. It is not surprising that the big public statement of the political representative of the Republic of Moldova /Oleg Serebryan - ed. note/ about the alleged “solution” of the problem of importing medicines to Pridnestrovie turned out to be untrue eventually,” the statement says.

According to the authors of the document, Moldova's actions completely contradict "the euphonious declarations of the Republic of Moldova`s leadership about their alleged commitment to peace, tranquility, social and humanitarian stability."

“There can be no stability in the conditions of a politically motivated violation of Pridnestrovian citizens` rights, who deliberately limit themselves to Chisinau in the use of medicines, food products, are forced to lose wages due to downtime at enterprises, are restricted in free movement, and experience other difficulties provoked by the Republic of Moldova,” they are convinced in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR.

The Foreign Ministry calls on Chisinau to immediately remove all restrictions in the socio-economic sphere. The MFA of the PMR also asked the international participants of the 5 + 2 format to assess Moldova's actions in the context of the widespread logistical and economic crisis and intensify efforts to remove the complications artificially created by the leadership of the Republic of Moldova.


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