Archive - 2019



03/14/19 21:10
In particular, entrepreneurs will receive consulting support and deferments of payments, while tax inspections will change their work schedule

03/14/19 17:03
The innovative platform «AgroBourse 360» of the Altiad Company will help with sales of landowners products

03/14/19 15:45
The concrete directions of cooperation were discussed by the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin

03/14/19 14:51
Congratulations of the Head of the state on the 30 anniversary of the organization were given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev

03/14/19 14:12
Vadim Krasnoselsky will hold meetings with public officials of the Russian Federation and will communicate to compatriots


03/13/19 21:41
There the young people wishing to begin their own business will study

03/13/19 21:23
The Investment Agency leadership told about a set of activities for this year

03/13/19 19:02
Sisters Maria and Emilia Polyachek are ethnic Czechs who have been living in Dubossary for more than 30 years

03/13/19 17:09
They are designated on the domestic market and have to promote import substitution

03/13/19 16:17
This subject was discussed during the meeting of the Pridnestrovian and Moldavian experts

03/13/19 15:24
The First Deputy Prime Minister noted that with the production volumes increase the level of citizens' well-being would also increase


03/12/19 18:06
Children's competition was being held from March 6 to 10 in Chisinau