Archive - 2016

07/01/16 17:53
It is planned to discuss the results of the Rogozin-Shevchuk Protocol implementation in Tiraspol on July 5-6

07/01/16 14:00
A grand meeting took place on this occasion


06/30/16 22:33
According to the minister of economic development, nobody has ever returned this money, as opposed to temporary underfunded public sector wages and pensions

06/30/16 22:01
This is what the first deputy prime minister, Alevtina Slinchenko, said during a news conference which took place in the government's headquarters

06/30/16 20:43
The prime minister does not agree with the Supreme Council's assessment of the government

06/30/16 14:21
The Pridnestrovian side sees it as a desire to introduce elements of a police mission into the peacekeeping operation

06/30/16 11:48
Twenty polling stations will be available in Pridnestrovie


06/29/16 12:12
The maximum retail and wholesale mark-on for sugar will be fixed at 15%


06/28/16 22:09
Pridnestrovie's exchange control will be discussed in the Russian capital

06/28/16 16:14
Плановые учения спецназа Комитета госбезопасности прошли сегодня утром в районе Республиканского стадиона. По легенде, террористы засели в жилом доме в центральной части Тирасполя. Задачей спецназа было их обезвредить с минимальными потерями личного состава и максимально эффективно подойти к выполнению задачи. С этим спецподразделение КГБ справилось успешно: противник обезврежен в оптимальные сроки, никто не пострадал.

06/28/16 15:37
They have come here as part of the international bike rally Slavic World 2016, which will run through the territories of 13 countries