
04/24/19 15:36
President Vadim Krasnoselsky also communicated to the acting and future military personnel of the Pridnestrovian army
03/07/19 10:51
It was organized by the A.V. Suvorov Russian State Memorial Museum and St. Petersburg State University
02/04/19 17:17
Men under the age of 50 fit for military service can participate in it
01/25/19 19:51
It is planned 100% financing of the relevant budget article
01/15/19 13:46
Defense Ministry: aircraft was not detected by air defense system
11/03/18 11:31
Завершились соревнования за звание лучшего разведподразделения Вооруженных сил. Во второй день разведчики боролись за победу в перетягивании каната, комплексной эстафете и марш-броске на пять километров. Церемония награждения лучших разведывательных групп и капитанов команд состоится 5 ноября – в профессиональный праздник. В этот день новое поколение военных разведчиков будет принимать поздравления не только от руководства Министерства обороны, но и от ветеранов подразделения.
07/07/18 11:26
A concert was held in the centre of the capital dedicated to the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
07/03/18 20:03
Dramatic concert, which will take place on July 6 on the main square of Tiraspol, will finish the project of the Ministry of Defence
02/07/17 21:11
About 15 snipers were admitted to the competitions. The winners will represent the OGRF on the competitions of snipers among the defence and law enforcement agencies of the republic
01/11/17 18:08
The school will open on 1 September 2017
09/06/16 18:12
During today's grand meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Armed Forces Yevgeny Shevchuk underscored that "the republic's leadership must and will make efforts to modernise and strengthen the Armed Forces"
06/07/16 12:53
Training results of the Armed Forces for the winter period of 2016 were summed up at the enlarged meeting of the
05/04/16 12:35
It is a reminder that on April 27 air defense units of Pridnestrovie's Armed Forces got fully operational and were moved to firing positions in order to prevent unauthorized flights over Pridnestrovie
04/27/16 20:02
It was done to prevent unauthorized flights over Pridnestrovie