Heads of executive bodies, Deputies of the Supreme Council, heads of state administrations and chairmen of city and district councils took part in one-day training muster

06/21/19 17:54

Heads of executive bodies, Deputies of the Supreme Council, heads of state administrations and chairmen of city and district councils took part in one-day training muster

The training muster for representatives of state authorities and administration was held in three stages. Participants were informed about the state of affairs in the armed forces in the main areas of daily activities. Upon completion of the report of the Minister of Defense, Major-General Oleg Obruchkov, they discussed the current situation in the army, noting positive changes and identifying aspects that need attention, and outlining plans for future work.

The second stage is general military training (physical, airborne, tactical), during which the participants of the gathering performed the exercises prescribed by the regulations. Among the standards – there is passage of an obstacle course, laying a parachute, practicing the elements of a jump with it, the action of a parachutist in special cases, as well as running in an armored personnel carrier, moving around the battlefield, landing and disembarking personnel from truck. A separate demonstration unit is devoted to small arms and special forces equipment.

The third component - shooting from the main types of small arms and weapons of armored personnel carriers and the study of tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons, equipment and their combat capabilities. Commander in chief Vadim Krasnoselsky showed the best result from the Kalashnikov assault rifle: seven defeats on targets with three needed for the “excellent” mark.

The event was continued by the lesson, during which the stage of combat shooting of a motorized rifle platoon with the support of artillery, anti-aircraft and tank units was presented to the attendees. The final part - the assignment to a number of officials of the first or next military ranks.

Summing up the one-day training muster, the President drew attention to the fact that officials who were not directly involved in military service demonstrated excellent level of combat training in various areas. Among the "honors" are not only officers, but also those who received the officer's rank today. It is also indicative that women participate in training muster on a par with male officials, even surpassing them in military skill. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers such events to be necessary. Their main goal is not so much to teach the art of war (which, according to the President is impossible within one day), but to inform and motivate for self-improvement.

“A person who did not undergo military service and does not have the skill of arms combat, fire, tactical and drill training, in one day there is little that can be taught. In one day, he can only try his hand: pick up a machine gun, feel its gravity, aim, go marching, even if it is awkward. I am sure that the military institute is necessary. People who have passed military service are distinctive. They know what a weapon is, they shoot well. In addition, if a young man did not serve in the army in time for conscription, it is difficult for him to get a job in the organs of state power and administration, especially in the law enforcement unit or structures related to the defense of our state, Vadim Krasnoselsky said, talking to the press. Today, we looked not only at the training of our officials, but also at the tactics of the combined service of the platoon, evaluated its capabilities, looked at the work of artillery, equipment, i.e. the possibilities of our defense. I can tell you, we are not preparing for war, but we are ready to protect ourselves. We are not aggressors, we are peacemakers. You can't do good without using your fists: those who encroach on our independence will receive a proper rebuff”.