
06/02/15 13:15
The system will be integrated into Russia's PRO100 payment system
06/02/15 10:47
The receipts from customs duties decreased twofold
05/27/15 16:09
Researchers presented a report about the Pridnestrovie's economy
05/26/15 16:33
The corresponding decision has been approved today at the government session
05/21/15 15:15
This measure aims at protecting local producers
05/18/15 16:34
It is 1.4 million less than actual revenues in April 2014
05/18/15 15:22
The President was informed on the execution of budgets at all levels
05/13/15 15:51
Today, Supreme Council passed a bill providing creation of free economic zones for IT and tourism in final reading
05/12/15 14:52
Import decreased by 13%, export – by 30%
05/07/15 15:01
That was announced by Alevtina Slinchenko during an operational meeting
04/30/15 11:59
President Yevgeny Shevchuk told about it on the air of Radio-1
04/29/15 15:27
According to the minister of economic development, it is a question of consolidation of efforts by the governmental authorities to prevent massive layoffs.
04/29/15 13:24
That was voiced by the first deputy chairwoman of Pridnestrovie's government on Radio-1