President briefed on current socio-economic situation, budget execution

07/16/15 14:32

President briefed on current socio-economic situation, budget execution

During today's meeting, President Yevgeny Shevchuk also discussed with Prime Minister Tatyana Turanskaya and Finance Minister Yelena Girzhul the preparation for the 25th anniversary of the republic

The president was informed on the state budget revenues in the first half of 2015, the presidential press service reports.

«There is a decline in state budget revenues. The republican budget has witnessed a 30% decline as compared to the same period of 2014. The volume of exports has fallen by 20%, and imports by 25%, which undoubtedly affects the revenues of the budget, financing of salaries and pensions," reported Tatyana Turanskaya.

She also noted that the negative trend in the state budget revenues «does not allow us to revise the present mechanism of financing salaries and pensions in an upward direction.»

«Unfortunately, budget revenues are falling at all levels, but we are trying to preserve stability of paying salaries and pensions in the volume of 70%," said Tatyana Turanskaya.

During the meeting they also discussed the budget deficit which prevents from financing to the extent required the purchase of medicines, food provision at healthcare and social protection facilities, POL for ambulances and police patrol cars. The backlog of funding these items is accumulated every month and registered by dedicated ministries.

Today the president was also presented the final variant of the programme of events on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Pridnestrovie.

«When adopting the 2015 budget, amount limits were approved for holding celebration events. But in view of the challenging socio-economic situation, difficulty in executing the budget, the programme costs will be revised downwards," said the prime minister.

It was emphasised at the meeting that the organisation of anniversary celebration will be funded within the existing resources.


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