Government to provide organisational assistance to investments exceeding 300,000 roubles

07/09/15 12:42

Government to provide organisational assistance to investments exceeding 300,000 roubles

The government has approved the regulations for the support of investment projects
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Procedures for the interaction of investors and executive authorities will be unified in Pridnestrovie. Pridnestrovie's government has adopted the regulations for the support of investment projects, being planned and implemented in the republic. According to the regulations, the government will provide organisational assistance to the investment projects in excess of 300,000 roubles ($27,000).

The document developed by the Ministry of Economic Development «applies to the interaction with both domestic and foreign investors», said Alevtina Slinchenko.

«Investment projects are supposed to be backed up both at the stage of preparation and at the stage of implementation. Ministries and agencies will assign supervisors to investment projects," said the minister.

According to her, supervisors will be entrusted with the preparation of legal documents and solution of organisational issues, including the connection of investors to infrastructure. Alevtina Slinchenko pointed out that today investors face many problems: they do not know what authorities to appeal to in order to solve issues relating to the implementation of their projects.

In compliance with the adopted document, governmental authorities supporting investment projects will also keep a common investment register and monitor potential facilities for investment. Quarterly reports on the efficiency of municipal and regional state administrations will also include investment development indices.

The chairwoman of the government, Tatyana Turanskaya, added that governmental support for investment projects should be provided up to the elaboration of the investor's road map.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, out of 23 agreements signed during the 3rd Investment Forum (2013), 13 projects are currently under way, and five have already been implemented. Yet there are «problem» projects with regard to both investors and foreign trade barriers.


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