
04/14/16 14:49
From now on relevant government decrees have come into force
04/14/16 12:51
The mechanism of collecting fines for exceeding this period may also be amended
04/13/16 15:15
The Supreme Council has considered a draft law amending the mechanism of filing an entrepreneurial patent
04/13/16 12:30
Supreme Council deputies have excluded a financial amnesty from an anti-crisis package
04/13/16 10:58
Budget of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund is also passed
04/12/16 18:03
The volume of food products imported by legal entities has increased by 4%. At the same time, Pridnestrovie has imported fewer milk and flour products, which, according to the SCC, testifies to the success of an import-substitution strategy
04/12/16 15:39
The first deputy chair of the government commented on the reduction of food duties
04/11/16 21:13
Relevant governmental decrees were signed by Pavel Prokudin
04/11/16 18:53
Edward Kosovsky has replied to MPs' questions about the situation in the in the foreign exchange market
04/08/16 14:25
It is supposed to allow legal entities to keep foreign currency on their non-cash accounts with Pridnestrovian banks
04/08/16 13:07
This measure is aimed at minimising the consequences of foreign exchange turmoil
04/08/16 11:28
The opportunity of receiving Russia's assistance is also being considered