Preparation for IV Investment Economic Forum discussed in Chamber of Commerce and Industry

04/26/16 17:21

Preparation for IV Investment Economic Forum discussed in Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Forum Promoters expect an effective advice from the participants providing economic recovery of Pridnestrovie
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Tiraspol, April 26. /Novosti Pridnestrvovya/. Second meeting of the working group on organization of the IV Investment Economic Forum was held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the republic. Representatives of the ministries, the Central Bank and the state administrations of the cities and districts discussed different organizational issues. As the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vasily Kozhan noted, preparation was going according to the plan and the schedule.

He reminded that the forum to be held on May 19 and 20. The Pridnestrovie's side will be represented by the top officials of the republic, the authorities of the cities and districts, the representatives of the large industrial enterprises and the staff of the economic departments. Experts from the Russian Federation, representatives of the international organizations, foreign embassies, etc. are among the guests.

As Vasily Kozhan notes, economic component of the forum will be of top-priority there.

«We, of course, will show the investment projects which will be prepared, but they won't be the main thing, but the 6 discussion platforms. We will discuss the most important problems of our economy: export and import of goods, taxation system reform, aspects of monetary policy, etc.," the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry told.

The main thing expected by the forum promoters is an effective advice and real ways for economic recovery of Pridnestrovie.


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