Ignatiev: Moldova transfers responsibility to Ukraine

01/21/20 11:45

Ignatiev: Moldova transfers responsibility to Ukraine

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR commented on the results of the discriminatory measures of Moldova against Pridnestrovian motorists
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Tiraspol, January 21. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Moldavian authorities are trying to shift to Ukraine responsibility for their inadequate actions against Pridnestrovian motorists. This was stated by the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie Vitaly Ignatiev to the TSV TV Channel.

“We are in contact with the Ukrainian side. The Moldavian side is trying to transfer responsibility for inadequate actions to Ukraine. It will be reflected in the position of the Ukrainian side,” Ignatiev said.

On January 10, 2020, Moldavian authorities unilaterally banned cars with Pridnestrovian numbers from crossing the border of the RM. As it turned out later, owners of neutral numbers and at the same time Pridnestrovian driver's license also had problems.

The political representative of Moldova Alexander Flenchea explained this with some agreement between Chisinau and Kiev not to let cars with PMR numbers into Ukraine. However, there were no obstacles to travel to Ukraine for automobiles from Pridnestrovie. Vehicles with Pridnestrovian  license plates were not allowed only by the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Moldova reported that the Government of Ukraine did not make official decisions on the ban on crossing the border for cars with Pridnestrovian  license plates.

Imposing restrictions against Pridnestrovian drivers, Moldova violated the protocol on mutual recognition of documents (signed by Moldova on May 16, 2001) and the protocol decision on the participation of Pridnestrovian vehicles in international road traffic (signed on April 24, 2018).

Pridnestrovie for several days called on Moldova to stop pressure on Pridnestrovian drivers. When there was no reaction, the PMR Security Council decided to introduce the same measures against Moldova. On January 17, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned Chisinau that since January 24, restrictions on crossing the border with Ukraine have been imposed on all types of vehicles registered in Moldova and managed by citizens with RM driving license permanently live in RM.

After a telephone conversation between the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the RM President Igor Dodon, the latter promised that Chisinau would lift the restrictive measures.

On January 20, Moldova officially announced the suspension of the ban on crossing the Moldo-Ukrainian border to cars with Pridnestrovian license plates.


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