The PMR President and RM President discussed the situation in the transport sector

01/17/20 15:33

The PMR President and RM President discussed the situation in the transport sector

Today, a telephone conversation took place between the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the Head of the Moldavian state Igor Dodon. It was about the situation in connection with the introduction by the Moldovan side of a ban on crossing the Moldovan-Ukrainian border by motor vehicles with Pridnestrovian license plates or neutral license plates, as well as if a driver had a driving license issued in Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky in the working conversation with his Moldovan colleague emphasized that the steps taken by Moldova violate the rights of Pridnestrovians. The head of the neighboring state informed the PMR President of his readiness to abolish the restrictions imposed. Igor Dodon assured that the relevant decision will come into force next week, which will eliminate the need for the Pridnestrovian side to practically implement the response measures announced.


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