Archive - 2019


02/27/19 12:08
Director of the PMR Investment Agency, Andrei Betanov, commented on the results of the Pridnestrovian delegation visit to Moscow


02/26/19 21:02
The analysis of data for 2018 showed an increase in production

02/26/19 16:42
According to the member of Consultative Assembly of the First Pridnestrovian Deputies Vladimir Labunsky, further the authorities need to take measures for overcoming poverty, a disproportion of the balance of payments and budget, return home army of labour migrants


02/23/19 16:20
Vitaly Ignatiev told the editor Janos Moscovitch about the history of the republic and the dynamics of the negotiation process

02/23/19 11:48
The enterprise received three new pieces of equipment

02/23/19 09:27
Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated the Pridnestrovians on the Fatherland Defender Day


02/22/19 14:21
At the round table of the CCI, they discussed the need to optimize this process

02/22/19 12:44
The Decree was signed by the PMR President

02/22/19 11:16
This way experts aim to struggle with swindlers, forging the original postal signs