Archive - 2019


05/14/19 13:06
Men's quadruple sculls won silver medals

05/14/19 10:58
There will be master classes, quizzes, reconstruction of a historical ball


05/13/19 21:40
Two swimmers will also perform at the European Youth Olympic Festival

05/13/19 13:31
Here you can see how the Red Army, Allies and Wehrmacht fought during the Great Patriotic War


05/11/19 19:49
Vitaly Ignatiev thanked the OSCE for attracting an expert on the import of medicines to the dialogue of Tiraspol and Chisinau

05/11/19 18:18
When exactly – this will be decided in Vienna

05/11/19 18:07
Next week the OSCE Mission will send the letter to the Attorney General of Moldova

05/11/19 17:46
Among them, there are problems of telecommunications, the termination of politically motivated criminal cases, banking interaction and the freedom of mail delivery to Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

05/11/19 17:30
OSCE supports activization of dialogue between Pridnestrovie and Moldova

05/11/19 17:21
The President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselski is convinced of that


05/09/19 20:17
Leonid Manakov and the Pridnestrovians living in Russia marched in Moscow. Here there are photos of compatriots and a video congratulation of the head of the Official Representation of the PMR in the Russian Federation