Archive - 2018


05/14/18 12:51
Pridnestrovian entrepreneurs are complaining about high rent charges for trade and production facilities. The situation was discussed at a governmental meeting

05/14/18 12:45
The president recommended that heads of state administrations begin to establish housing associations and formalise them

05/14/18 10:31
The Pridnestrovian juniors won gold and silver


05/13/18 15:03
Representatives of the fuel and energy sector from around the world will come to the international forum in October


05/11/18 20:23
The current situation in the Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement was discussed at a meeting of the Public Expert Council


05/10/18 19:07
The Moldovan side is still refusing to participate in the inspection

05/10/18 19:03
Within the framework of the project, a second tripartite agreement was signed between the government, three enterprises and Bendery Trade and Technological College

05/10/18 18:21
The government has proposed to create an information portal and investment maps for each district of the country

05/10/18 14:01
According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the bulk of work should be completed by the first anniversary of the school

05/10/18 13:02
The government is seeking balanced legislation

05/10/18 11:04
Бессмертный полк – связь поколений, дань памяти героям, ковавшим Великую Победу. В Тирасполе в акции приняли участие порядка 9 тысяч человек. С портретами ветеранов по центральной площади в одном строю прошли люди разных возрастов. Живые эмоции однополчан ловил фотокорреспондент ИА «Новости Приднестровья».


05/09/18 23:01
Традиционно Парад Победы проводится в обстановке особой торжественности. За увлекательным действом с трибуны наблюдают главные герои праздника – ветераны. В одном строю в Тирасполе прошли 10 коробок: парадные расчёты Министерства обороны, МВД, МГБ, а также военнослужащие Оперативной группы российских войск в Приднестровье. Впервые в числе участников парада подрастающая элита Вооружённых сил – воспитанники Суворовского училища.

05/09/18 19:10
The military base of the OGRF became the host of a large-scale celebration where one could see Soviet and German WWII weapons, go down to a soldier dugout and taste army porridge

05/09/18 17:02
It was the first action of this kind held in the city on Victory Day