Archive - 9/5/2018

05/09/18 23:01
Традиционно Парад Победы проводится в обстановке особой торжественности. За увлекательным действом с трибуны наблюдают главные герои праздника – ветераны. В одном строю в Тирасполе прошли 10 коробок: парадные расчёты Министерства обороны, МВД, МГБ, а также военнослужащие Оперативной группы российских войск в Приднестровье. Впервые в числе участников парада подрастающая элита Вооружённых сил – воспитанники Суворовского училища.

05/09/18 19:10
The military base of the OGRF became the host of a large-scale celebration where one could see Soviet and German WWII weapons, go down to a soldier dugout and taste army porridge

05/09/18 17:02
It was the first action of this kind held in the city on Victory Day

05/09/18 12:52
A flower-laying ceremony took place at Tiraspol's Glory Memorial

05/09/18 11:27
The procession began at 11:00 am

05/09/18 11:05
This was stated by the president ahead of a military parade in Tiraspol

05/09/18 10:55
It honours the Heroes of the Soviet Union whose fate was closely connected with Tiraspol

05/09/18 10:15
The Russian ambassador to Moldova congratulated WWII veterans and all compatriots on 9 May

05/09/18 10:11
Ten parade boxes will march along Tiraspol's main square

05/09/18 09:34
Vadim Krasnoselsky has congratulated Pridnestrocvians on the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory