Archive - 18/5/2016

05/18/16 18:05
Additional information was presented on this issue by the chair of the government, Pavel Prokudin

05/18/16 18:00
According to the president, the superior bodies of power should be formed, taking account for the majority's opinion. It is proposed to set a turnout threshold for presidential elections at 40 percent

05/18/16 16:36
На войсковом стрельбище прошел заключительный этап учений Оперативной группы российских войск в Приднестровье. В результате учений успешно выполнены все поставленные задачи. Условный противник обнаружен и нейтрализован. За ходом учений наблюдал Глава государства Евгений Шевчук.

05/18/16 13:55
President Yevgeny Shevchuk has attended the scheduled battalion tactical drills of the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Pridnestrovie

05/18/16 12:56
Russia's central bank has drafted the corresponding amendments to the Russian legislation