OGRF finishes large-scale 10-day drills

05/18/16 13:55

OGRF finishes large-scale 10-day drills

President Yevgeny Shevchuk has attended the scheduled battalion tactical drills of the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, 18 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A concluding stage of a large-scale 10-day drills took place at a military shooting-range today: servicemen trained live fire skills in day and night conditions.

According to the drills' general legend, on 17 May 20016 illegal armed groups decided to destabilise the situation in the Security Zone. As a result of the actions by a motorized rifle battalion with the use of both service and blank ammunition, including simulation means, the imaginary enemy was discovered and eliminated.

In the course of the drills, ORGF military have successfully carried out all tasks, having shown the knowledge and skills of using combat weapons and special-purpose hardware, combat methods and conduct.

At the end of the drills a column of military vehicles had a victorious march to the permanent disposition.

Commenting on the OGRF's scheduled battalion and tactic drills, President Yevgeny Shevchuk said: «A high level of combat skills has been demonstrated. This inspires confidence that while the Russian soldier is in Pridnestrovie, peace will be maintained and secured here! This is the main achievement for us, Pridnestrovians, for all of us who live in Pridnestrovie!»


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