
05/29/18 10:19
A series of solemn events were held in Bendery on this occasion
05/10/18 19:07
The Moldovan side is still refusing to participate in the inspection
04/16/18 10:25
Moldovan Premier Pavel Filip said at the Security Forum in Kiev that Moldova and Ukraine could agree to grant a "green corridor" for the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers
03/29/18 15:38
Vital Ignatyev discussed the current agenda of the negotiation process with Russia's deputy foreign minister and the special representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
01/11/18 15:53
The situation remains stable and under control
11/30/17 12:31
It will be based on the unique feat of Russian peacekeepers on the banks of the Dniester and the unprecedented will of the Pridnestrovian people to preserve peace
11/27/17 13:19
The OGRF servicemen have also finished preparing arms, military and special hardware for the winter operating mode
11/17/17 11:42
This is what Vadim Krasnoselsky said in an interview with Russia's Nezavisimaya Gazeta, underscoring that Russian peacekeepers were "the only deterrent force that excludes conflicts in the region"
11/13/17 16:46
This was said by Andrian Candu in an interview with journalists
11/13/17 16:32
Their copies will be available in Pridnestrovie, Belarus and Russia
10/05/17 17:45
Roman Ivanchenko commented on Moldova's growing pressure on the peacekeeping operation
10/03/17 14:45
The Moldo-Pridnstrovian settlement should not be allowed to become another object of geopolitical games fraught with the most unpredictable consequences, said Russia's deputy foreign minister