
03/22/17 13:02
Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated Dmitry Rogozin on this occasion
03/20/17 13:41
Vice speaker of the Pridnestrovian parliament Galina Antyufeeva voiced the offers of Pridnestrovie in the Russian State Duma
03/04/17 13:12
In addition, 5 Moldovan wine companies can get access to the Russian market
03/01/17 10:59
The Supreme Council has adopted this draft law in the first reading
02/22/17 13:35
Meanwhile, as Pridnestrovian diplomats say, the Moldovan side is still showing a lack of political will and readiness to seek compromises
02/18/17 17:40
Chairman of the Pridnestrovie's Central Electoral Commission has reported about it following the results of the trip to Moscow
02/17/17 11:13
Today, on the last day of their working visit, the Pridnestrovian MPs will meet the rector of MGIMO
02/14/17 16:38
Senator Konstantin Kosachev noted that a list of issues monitored by the both Russian and Pridnestrovian parliaments had been prepared in the Russian Federation
02/13/17 19:26
According to Rospotrebnadzor experts, it is necessary to enable the export of Pridnestrovian goods to Russia
02/10/17 14:29
Work is currently under way to harmonise the technical requirements for the exchange of information between the authorities of the PMR and Russia about the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border
02/07/17 21:11
About 15 snipers were admitted to the competitions. The winners will represent the OGRF on the competitions of snipers among the defence and law enforcement agencies of the republic
02/01/17 21:44
The event is held by Russia's State Duma under the patronage of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill