
04/22/21 16:15
The PMR President in his Telegram channel commented on problems of negotiation process between PMR and RM
04/08/21 12:16
The PMR’s President answered the Russian journalists’ question whether the republic is ready, if necessary to reflect military aggression
01/21/21 09:28
The Moldovan Government has prepared a corresponding draft resolution, the Head of the PMR Foreign Ministry said
01/19/21 13:20
All approaches has already become outdated, the historic opportunities of establishing a unified state are missed. It’s high time to build good-neighborly relations between two equal subjects of international legal entity
01/13/21 10:31
Since the beginning of the year, the chairmanship of the organization was transferred to Sweden, but Thomas Mayr-Harting will continue to work on the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict
11/09/20 19:01
According to the political expert, this will lead to further stagnation of the negotiation process between the Republic of Moldova and the PMR
09/03/20 14:12
The PMR President noted in an interview with the Russia-24 TV channel that Moldova was evading the implementation of agreements signed by mediators, observers and guarantors
05/14/20 19:13
Why are the Moldovan representatives deliberately disrupting the work of expert groups and blame it on Pridnestrovie?
04/13/20 19:42
About why the Moldovan authorities do not want to stop political intrigue, and how they use COVID-19 in it
02/14/20 19:14
Tiraspol fears provocations in the Security Zone