
10/10/16 21:44
The special representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office met Pridnestrovie's FM Vitaly Ignatyev
09/26/16 13:58
According to chamber members, the statement by representatives of Moldovan civil society smacks of primeval nationalism
09/23/16 15:07
According to Yevgeny Shevchuk, Pridnestrovie's economic opportunities are under attack year after year
08/31/16 13:28
The head of the public movement For Recognition of Pridnestrovie commented on the foreign policy aspect of President Shevchuk's press conference
07/20/16 19:38
The Pridnestrovian side has already informed all negotiation participants on this initiative, and the MFA also intends to use other forums to seek the unblocking of railway importation
07/15/16 17:25
The foreign minister, Vitaliy Ignatyev said that Moldova was expected to respond to Pridnestrovie's proposals about reaching an agreement in the sphere of diploma legalisation
07/06/16 12:01
This was announced by Russia's Vice Premier Dmitry Rogozin following a meeting with Pridnestrovian President Yevgeny Shevchuk
06/19/16 11:32
According to the Head of state, negotiators should focus on the social and economic issues and remove artificial barriers for the sake economic development
06/16/16 12:27
The acting foreign minister of the PMR told Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda daily about relations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova
06/15/16 21:10
The document is aimed, among other things, at preventing illegal fishing activities
06/15/16 14:50
According to the Pridnestrovian president, the negotiation agenda must be full of substantive results
06/10/16 18:03
It establishes new rules of information exchange between authorized services of the sides