President: with western partners' tacit consent Moldova continues blocking republic's economy

09/23/16 15:07

President: with western partners' tacit consent Moldova continues blocking republic's economy

According to Yevgeny Shevchuk, Pridnestrovie's economic opportunities are under attack year after year

Tiraspol, 23 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Year after year Pridnestrovie's economy experiences external pressure, said Pridnestrovian President Yevgeny Shevchuk during a press conference at MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

«We note that almost every year the economic opportunities of Pridnestrovie are under attack. For example, unilateral actions have recently hindered the movement of our cargoes by rail," said the president.

According to Yevgeny Shevchuk, this undermines the economic opportunities of Pridnestrovie, directly damages the country's enterprises and violates the fundamental principle in the negotiations between Moldova and Pridnestrovie — the principle of trust.

«We had to raise this question at the highest level and even address to the special representative of the OSCE chairman to initiate the discussion of this problem," said the president. However, according to the head of state, Pridnestrovie's Western partners have not demonstrated any response.

«On the one hand, they call us for open dialogue at the negotiating table; and on the other hand, our economy is blocked again with their tacit consent," said the president. Yevgeny Shevchuk underscored that blocking the Pridnestrovian economy contributes to the development of poverty in the country, the growth of civil discontent and social distrust of the success of the negotiation process.

«Citizens begin to ask why to negotiate if new terms imposed from abroad are constantly suffocating us. Such delay or, in my opinion, such a passive stance, when there is no reaction from negotiation participants, makes us think what are the real objectives of all negotiation participants," said the head of state.

Yevgeny Shevchuk expressed hope that it would be possible with the assistance of Germany's OSCE chairmanship to reach a clear position condemning any side whose activities undermine confidence and worsen the lives of ordinary citizens.


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