Ignatiev: We are categorically against any actions that pose a threat to peace on the Dniester

06/15/18 21:09

Ignatiev: We are categorically against any actions that pose a threat to peace on the Dniester

The MFA’S head commented message about consideration of the resolution on withdrawal of Russian army men by UN General Assembly
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Tiraspol, 15 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie continues to oppose any attempts to break the peacekeeping operation. In such a manner the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev commented that the UN General Assembly will consider a resolution on the withdrawal of Russian army men from Pridnestrovie in an interview with the PGTRK correspondent. As you can remember, the Republic of Moldova introduced draft of resolution.

“This action is destructive, because it is aimed at undermining the foundations of peacekeeping operation in Pridnestrovie. It is well known, that Moldovan side works against peacekeeping operation for a long time. The work, which includes political and informative sides. We’ve estimated and estimate these actions now as extremely negative. Actions were taken in the framework of decision of the Consulate Court of the Republic of Moldova on allegedly illegal residence of peacekeepers in Moldova and about possibility of usage of heavy-handed approach against them,” stated diplomatist.

Vitaly Ignatiev emphasized that there is no another military forces on Pridnestrovian territory except peacekeeping forces.

“That’s why any attempt to declare that Moldova supports peacekeeping operation, but insists on withdrawal of the Operational group of Russian forces (OGRF), is simply biased. OGRF is the part of the sole mechanism of peacekeeping operation, it takes part in rotation of peacekeeping battalions, - added the MFA’s head. - No decisions on an occasion of change of the format of peacekeeping operation or removal of any part of this peacekeeping mechanism can be accepted without opinion and position of the people of Pridnestrovie. We are categorically against any actions that pose a threat to peace and safety on the Dniester”.

We will remind that the Russian peacekeepers serve on coast of Dniester according to the agreement on the principles of settlement of the Moldo-Pridnestrovian conflict signed in 1992. On March 26, 1995 in Pridnestrovie the referendum on a presence of the Russian military personnel in the territory of the republic has taken place. From 451 thousand people included in electoral registers 310 thousand have taken part in vote.

More than 90% of the total number of voted have spoken against withdrawal of the Russian military personnel.

The President of PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky repeatedly emphasized that change of a present format of peacekeeping operation and withdrawal of the Russian military forces from the territory of Pridnestrovie is a direct way to escalation of the conflict between Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova Tudor Ulyanovsky has reported, that General Assembly of the UN will consider on June 22 the draft resolution about withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria,. RM tried to carry out this resolution through General Assembly of the UN even last fall, however the document was included then in the agenda of a meeting.

The permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the UN Vasily Nebenzya called the initiative of Moldova an unfriendly step.


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